Contribution Regulation

  1. Updates & Effective Dates

  2. Authors’ Responsibilities

  3. Manuscripts Submission

  4. Submission Due

  5. Reviewing Procedure

  6. Manuscripts Preparation

  7. Titles

  8. Abstracts

  9. Keywords

  10. References

  11. Article Processing Fee

  12. Copyrights

  13. Editorial Inquiries

  14. Others



 1. Updates & Effective Dates

All amendments to the publication policies for the Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics (JERM) published by the Korea Society of Education Studies in Mathematics (KSESM) are regulated by Article 10 of the editorial policy of the society and approved by the board of directors. The publication policies are effective immediately after the approval of the board.


 2. Authors’ Responsibilities 

① Submitting author should be registered as a member of KSESM.

② Authors have a responsibility to abide by the submission guidelines of JERM.

③ Submission of an article implies that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere, that it is not under consideration for publication previously. Dual submission and publication are strictly prohibited in the journal.

④ Authors can contribute as many as three manuscripts to an issue of the journal for review, and two of the accepted papers can be published in each issue. As a sole author, authors can only contribute in one manuscript.


 3. Manuscripts Submission

① All manuscripts should comply with the ethical guideline of the society which are aligned with the American Psychology Association(APA)’s ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct


② The journal operates a double-blind review policy. Authors must ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in such a way that they do not reveal their identities to reviewers, either directly or indirectly.

③ All manuscripts must contain titles, abstracts, keywords, main body, and references.

④ All manuscripts including the ones that are accepted or revised shall submit their (revised) articles through the online submission system.

⑤ All authors’ names should be listed on the online submission system in the order of authorship. It is submitting author’s responsibility to indicate the corresponding author on the article as well as in the online submission system in case when the first author is not the corresponding author.


 4. Submission Due

Authors are to submit their manuscripts to JERM any time before the end of the 1st day (Korea Standard Time 11:59 pm) of January, April, July, or October.


 5. Reviewing Procedure

① Once the submitted manuscript has been evaluated for suitability by the editor, it will then be reviewed by three reviewers. The editor will make the final decision based on the editorial guideline of the journal.

② The editor-in-chief can ask authors to revise their manuscripts.

③ For those submitted manuscripts that do not follow the author submission guidelines, the editorial board can decide to reject the manuscript to be reviewed in the journal.

④ A paper submitted by an editor-in-chief will be handled by one of the editors who does not have a conflict with the review and who is not at the same institution as the editor-in-chief. The other editor will select referees and make all decisions on the paper based on the editorial guideline of the journal.


 6. Manuscripts Preparation

① Manuscripts can be written either in Korean or in English using MS word documents (e.g., doc, docx).

② All manuscripts submitted to JERM should meet the aims and scopes of the journal.

③ Using the MS Word files (e.g., doc, docx), authors should format their manuscripts as follows: Line spacing of 1.0 in main text, Top margin of 3.0, Bottom margin of 2.54, Left & Right margins of 2.54; Font sizes for Main title 17p, Subtitle 14p, Section title 10p, Paragraph title 10p, Main text 10p; Character scale 100; Printing Fonts set to ‘Times New Roman’ for English and ‘Basic Clear Gothic’ for Korean.


 7. Titles

① All manuscripts written in Korean must include titles in both Korean and English. For manuscirpts written in English, only English version of the title is required.

② Keep the title of the manuscript brief and clear using around 10 to 12 words which summarizes the main idea or ideas of the study.


 8. Abstracts

① A concise and factual abstract using complete sentences is required with words no more than 250 words in both Korean and English.

② All manuscripts written in Korean should include abstracts in both Korean and English on the first page of their manuscripts. The Korean version of the abstract comes before the English one for articles written in Korean. For manuscripts written in English, only English version of the abstract is required.

③ All abstracts must include the purpose of the study, research participants and data, major findings, and implications.


 9. Keywords

Immediately after each English and Korean abstracts, authors should provide around 3-5 key words highlighting the research in English and Korean accordingly.


 10. References

All submitted manuscripts should format the references using the APA 7th edition.


 11. Article Processing Fee

① All manuscripts accepted to be published in JERM should make a full payment of the article processing fee as well as the annual membership fee for KSESM.

② For authors who failed to make a full payment of both article processing and annual membership fees, the editorial office may withhold the publication of their articles.

③ The standard article processing fee 150,000 (KRW) will be charged for the manuscripts up to 10 pages. For every additional page, an extra fee of 20,000 (KRW) per page will be charged.

For an article funded by an internal or external grant, thereby acknowledged about funding, the standard article processing fee will be doubled. That is, 300,000 (KRW) will be charged for the manuscripts up to 10 pages.

④ Upon the request of editorial board in an effort to advance KSESM, editor-in-chief of JERM and president of the society may together decide to exempt the article processing fee.


 12. Copyrights

Copyright is owned by KSESM for all articles published in JERM.


 13. Editorial Inquiries

Editor-in-chief of JERM is responsible to answer all inquiries on article submission, but the editor may delegate inquiries on online submission system to the administrative secretary.


 14. Others

For any other issues that are not discussed in here, the editorial board of JERM are entitled to make a decision.



 The documented policies are effective as of January 2nd, 1991.
 The documented policies are effective as of January 26th, 1999.
 The documented policies are effective as of January 23rd, 2002.
 The documented policies are effective as of December 7th, 2002.
 The documented policies are effective as of June 6th, 2014.
 The documented policies are effective as of June 5th, 2015.
 The documented policies are effective as of October 7th, 2016.
 The documented policies are effective as of March 1st, 2018.
 The documented policies are effective as of May 21st, 2021.